Due Date: May 8, 2012
Weight Gain: Up 2 lbs this week. Running total: 16lbs!
Symptoms: Big ol' belly! Soreness in my back, hips, and legs. Giant kicks, rolls, and punches from baby girl. Hard to breathe, and my tailbone is in pain when I sit too long.
Cravings: Milk and pineapple upside down cake.
Aversions: Nadda.
Sleep: Sleep has transitioned to not as great. Waking up a few times at night, and now it's harder to get back to sleep. Also, when I wake up, it's usually with a sore neck/back. I'm still using my Snoogle, so I think I'm just to the point that there is no avoiding some of the pains of pregnancy.
I am loving: Seeing hubby's face when he feels or sees her move. He's pretty impressed with her:)
I miss: Being able to find a comfortable position.
I am looking forward to: My baby shower at work this Friday, and our childbirth class this weekend.
I'm spazzing about: The bookcase we want for her bedroom has been out of stock since we decided on it and I'm waiting (impatiently) for it to come back into stock so we can get it ordered!
Best thing about this week: My baby shower last Saturday- it was absolutely perfect in every way! Also, I got in the dresses I ordered for our maternity pics and decided on one (the pink one, shocker).
Milestones: Reaching 30 weeks! We've got 70 days (give or take) left!
Movement: Nearly constant throughout the day (she probably only gives me around 2 hours total off). She feels very big, and her movements are fairly uncomfortable- especially around my belly button. I have a scar there from when I had my appendix out, so I'm not sure if it's related to that, or if that's just a painful area in general.
It's a...: Girl!!! Emersyn Grace:)