Weight Gain: Zero this week
Symptoms: Heartburn and belly
Cravings: Milk, pickles, sushi, guacamole, steak
Aversions: Nothing major.
Sleep: Sleeping pretty well, keeping a pillow between my knees, starting to be uncomfortable when I wake up- makes me think the pillow isn't cutting it.
I am loving: New maternity clothes, working on the nursery.
I miss: raw sushi (tuna in particular), a good Bloody Mary, and coffee
I am looking forward to: Working on the nursery.
I'm spazzing about: Registering.
Best thing about this week: That it's a short work week, and Lydia seems to be getting more and more active.
Milestones: Assembled her dresser, cleared out the photography studio (for the most part).
Movement: Lots of movement these days- especially at night.
It's a...: GIRL!!!!
Just found your blog on BBC's group...and we're a couple weeks apart :)
ReplyDeleteMany congrats, loved reading your story and look forward to following along!