Tuesday, December 6, 2011

18 Weeks!

How big is baby this week? Baby is the size of an sweet potato.

Due Date: May 8, 2012

Weight Gain: Up 1.5 lbs! I haven't really done anything different this week in terms of eating, but I'm happy (for now) to see the numbers on the scale rise!

Symptoms: Motion sickness, heartburn. Little tiny baby kicks:)

Cravings: Milk, pickles, sushi, guacamole, Mexican food, Auntie Anne's pretzels, my Mom's brisket.

Aversions: No aversions, but super saucy is STILL not very appetizing.

Sleep: Able to stay up later, and sleeping pretty well- had a dream the other night that baby was a boy.

I am loving: Anytime baby moves- very reassuring and makes it feel a lot more real.

I miss: raw sushi and a good Bloody Mary.

I am looking forward to: Our next ultrasound- December 12- hoping baby cooperates so we can find out the sex!

I'm spazzing about: needing to recover the chair we bought.

Best thing about this week: Getting our Christmas card picture taken and including baby this year on the card:)

Milestones: baby is yawning, hiccuping, and rolling all around. Signed up for our childbirth class!

Movement: Yes! Usually feels like popcorn, sometimes it tickles, and sometimes it feels like little kicks!

It's a...: Still no idea:(


  1. That is so exciting that you will be finding out in less than a week! How fun that you were able to include the baby in your Christmas card. Just think- next year you will have a sweet baby to celebrate Christmas with. :) One question: Are you getting a little bump yet? We need pictures!

  2. mmmm, Auntie Anne's pretzels. Thanks for the new craving!! :)

  3. We included the baby on our Christmas cards too... so fun! We actually registered today... whoa 2hrs later lol. I guess we should sign up for the classes too... so much stuff to do, huh?!

  4. TOTALLY get what you mean by "popcorn"!! I'm only 13weeks but with #2 I feel like I can already feel baby flutters :) You have a new follower!
