Weight Gain: Up 8lbs total so far.
Symptoms: Heartburn and the belly.
Cravings: Milk, pickles, sushi, guacamole, steak
Aversions: Nothing major.
Sleep: Sleeping pretty well, just have to keep a pillow between my knees.
I am loving: Feeling baby move! Ordering things for the nursery.
I miss: raw sushi and a good Bloody Mary.
I am looking forward to: Working on the nursery.
I'm spazzing about: Feeling like there's really not that much time until she comes, and we still have a lot to do.
Best thing about this week: Being off work, spending time with my family.
Milestones: Ordered the crib!
Movement: I know eventually her kicks will probably hurt, but right now I LOVE them!
It's a...: GIRL!!!!